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Soviet Union Flag

Soviet Union Flag - A simplistic symbol with great history!

History is not confined to one single country. This is an absolute truth and no one can ignore that.

Just like United States of America, every single country in this world has a history that is full of pride and glory. Soviet Union is not an exception. The Soviet Union Flag has a great history that is not only interesting but also glorious. I was introduced to the flag of Soviet Union when I went to Russia for the first time.

It was not a vacation that I was spending. I was there for a university project and I shared a hotel room with a Russian friend. He introduced me to the glorious history of the Soviet Union and I learned a lot about the flag of the country.

We generally talked about the symbols used in the flag and the significance of each symbol. Most of our discussions were held either on the dinner table or when we retired to bed as most of the time during the day time we used to be busy with our projects.

Soviet Union flag picture

He narrated the history of the Soviet Union in a very interesting way and I could make out that he was a great patriot by soul as his love for his country reflected in every single word he said. He told me that the flag of Soviet Union was a plain and simple red flag that had a sickle crossed with hammer and there was red star placed on the upper top canton.

He took care of the smallest details about the symbols used in the flag. The hammer and the sickle, which was used as a symbol of the peasants and workers of the nation, were golden in color and the red star had a golden border.

The red star symbolized the rule of communist party over the nation. In 1923, the flag was first adopted as the national flag and then in the year 1955, the nation adopted the statute of the flag. This resulted in a change in the length of the hammer. The shape of the sickle was also changed.

A final modification to the Soviet Union Flag was made in the year 1980. The color of the flag was lightened a bit. The final color was bright red. The flag continued to be the national flag of the Soviet Union until it collapsed. My Russian friend also gave a wonderful piece of information. I must admit that I was completely ignorant about the fact. He revealed that the red color has a deep significance in the Russian culture. Red is deeply related with the Russian forms of the words “the best”, “very good” and “beautiful”.

So, the choice of red as the color of the national flag is justified. The red color in the flag symbolizes the blood of the peasants and the workers spilled for the nation.

The flag as a whole (inclusive of sickle, hammer, the red star and the red color) symbolizes socialism and communism. The hammer represents the nation’s industrial workers and the sickle represents the workers in the agrarian sector.He discussed a lot about the entire history of the Soviet Union Flag and the nation as a whole.

I learned a lot and I must agree that the discussion I had with my roommate was one of the best discussions I ever had because, I learned a lot not only about the flag of Soviet Union but also about the great culture and glorious history of the nation. But, I still believe that there is a lot more to learn about this great nation and its wonderful culture!

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