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Rebel flag meaning

Rebel flag meaning: a dual character from history

The most interesting fact about the flag is that the flag’s design was changed a number of times during the period of the Civil War.

Rebel flag is also popular as the Confederate flag and even Southern Cross.

There is an allegation against the flag that it is a symbol of racism and slavery.

This however, is a false propaganda that has been imposed on this flag by the media, the education system, television and even Hollywood.

If properly investigated, one can find that slavery and racism is also a part of the United States and therefore Rebel flag alone cannot be held responsible for anything.

As portrayed, Rebel flag meaning can be clearly demarcated into two segments. One where the flag is looked upon as a symbol of outright racism and slavery and this is the reason why there is a group of people who consider themselves as the anti-supporters of the Rebel flag.

They criticize those who respect this flag or those who use something which has the image of the Rebel flag on it. The other Rebel flag meaning is attached to pride and glory.

Rebel flag image

The Confederate flag represents the glorious fight of the states for winning their freedom. It symbolized a fight of the States for their rights so that they can pass laws on their own without any kind of intervention from the central government.

The flag symbolizes the esteem and the proud history of the south (Confederate States of America were the states, which seceded from United States and were constituted of the southern states).

There are a number of misconceptions that we have and we need to change this misconception so that people can understand the true Rebel flag meaning and shed off the misconceptions which tarnish the past.

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