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Poles Flag

How to Display Your Poles Flag

There are certain rules you need to follow when you want to display your pole’s flag. First what kind of flag pole do you have? Is it a twenty foot plus pole that needs to go in the ground, or is it a six foot pole that will be wall mounted.

If you have or will purchase an in ground flag pole, you may want to hire an engineer or contractor to dig your hole and pour the concrete to hold it up. If you want to display your flag 24/7 you will need to buy a light to illuminate the flag. You can get a light for the top of the pole and have the light shine down on the flag.

Or buy a light for the ground that can be aimed up at the flag. A solar light will go on at dusk and off at dawn, or you can put a light on a timer so it will go on at the same time every evening and off in the morning at a preset time.

You may want to take your flag down in inclement weather, especially if there are high winds, since the flag could be torn. If the flag does become torn it needs to be burned. Call your local V.F.W., American Legion or Boy Scout troop who often burn torn flags with an accompanying touching ceremony.

Here are some of the days when you should display your flag:

• Your state’s birthday, which is the date of admission to the union• Inauguration Day• Washington’s Birthday• Lincoln’s Birthday• Patriots Day – April 19th• Armed Forces Day• Memorial Day(half staff till noon)• Flag Day• Independence Day• Columbus Day• Election Days(national, state and local)

Many people also display their pole’s flag Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and state and local holidays are also occasions for flying the flag.

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