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Motorcycle Flag Poles

Where to Mount Motorcycle Flag Poles

Have you ever driven any of the major interstate highways in the U.S. and seen what seemed to be a sea of motorcycles? Did you notice that most of the bikes have two or more flags mounted on the luggage rack? Usually one is the American flag and another, the POW/MIA flag.

There are chrome motorcycle flag poles which cost $65.00 each and include an L-bracket which attaches at the saddle bag or the rear fender bracket short bolt. Each post can fly a 6” x 9” flag. You order silk U.S. parade flags for your motorcycle.

Some bikers fly the flag of the military branch that they were in. There is even a flag for retired military. Service flags for motorcycles include, Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Airborne and Coast Guard.

Firemen, Vietnam Vets, EMS and one with “Honor and Remember” also can be flown on a bike flag pole. You can purchase some very unique flag pole brackets including twisted, square or octagon with a straight or hard back shaft. You can have special shafts made to order.

If you ride you probably realize that you can let people know what you believe in by the flag or flags on your bike.

Did you know that there is flag etiquette that applies to how you display the flag on your bike? The U.S. flag should be in the center if it is flown alone or if you are looking from the back, at your right. If there are other flags, the American flag should be the largest or the same size but never smaller than other flags. It should be at the same level or higher than all other flags.

There are companies that can provide you with individual state flags for your motorcycle as well as flags of other countries so you can honor your ethnic heritage also.

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