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Union Battle Flag

Uses of the Union Battle Flag

Four other countries use the flag within their flags, besides New Zealand, Tuvalu, Fiji and Australia.

When the flag was first introduced, it was known as the British flag back in 1606. The flag history also says that the United States used the Union Jack as its first flag. The flag also appeared on flags from South Africa. The flag is incorporated into the Hawaii flag.

The Hawaii King was told that the flag symbolizes the authority of the King, so the Hawaiian King flew the flag as his own. As of today in the flag history, Hawaii is the only state in the US to use the flag in it owns flag design.

The Union Jack Flag is used with graphics, wallpaper and clothing. In the United Kingdom, you will see the Union Flag flying on special days. The flag flies on Prince Edward's birthday, Europe Day, Commonwealth Day, Prince Phillip's birthday and on Remembrance Day, plus more than twenty other days. In North Ireland, the flag is flown on St Patrick's Day and Scotland flies the flag on Merchant Navy Day.

The meaning of the flag is unknown because it is used for different occasions and by so many different countries, it has a meaning for each, but not one is the same. The Union Jack flag is very popular. There seems to be no special rule about the disposal of the flag as there is for the flag of the United States. This is because of the status of the flag, which is unofficial as a national flag.

The flag can also be folded in any way unlike the United States flag. Some other names for the flag are Royal Union in Canada, Rice Character in Hong Kong and Butcher's Apron in Irish republicans.

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