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Meaning of Afghanistan Flag

Meaning of Afghanistan flag is of great interest for flag lovers. Afghanistan’s flag is designed to represent the aims, beliefs and or the history of the nation.

Since the early years of the 20th century there have been 22 different flags representing the nation of Afghanistan.

The current flag was adopted on January 4, 2004 by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It has black, red and green vertical stripes with a center emblem on the red stripe. The black represents the past, red the blood shed in the fight for independence and green the Islamic faith.

There is a mosque with its mihrab facing Mecca.. A mihrab is an opening in the wall of a mosque that faces Mecca which is the direction that Muslims face when offering prayers.

The Shahadah (Muslim creed) is at the top of the coat of arms in yellow/gold. This flag has gone through several changes over the years.

afghanistan flag graphic

A mosque first appeared on Afghanistan’s flag about 1901 until 1928 when the flag showed the sun rise over tow mountains and reappeared in 1929 then gave way in 1974 to an eagle with a pulpit on it’s chest for a mosque, wheat around the eagle and the rays of the sun above the eagle representing the new republic.

The next 28 years saw a variety of regimes including communism and the Taliban and they had their own flags praising industry. Finally in 2004 the Afghanistan citizens were able to reinstate their flag with the mosque with the shahadah and beloved mihrab.

The same emblem was used on the Afghan Northern Alliance flag but with green, white and black horizontal stripes. Did you know that Afghanistan has had more changes to it’s flag than any other country on Earth during the 20th century and into the early 21st century, a period of 186 years.

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