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Irish Republican Army Flag

Facts about the Irish Republican Army Flag

It’s fascinating to get to know more about the Irish history, the many fights that took place on this island and the numerous Celtic traditions.

In Ireland, everything seems to have powerful significance, and the Irish Republican Army Flag makes no exception.

At the first sight, one could tell that the Irish Flag is not too different from the French national flag and probably has no significance, but is that so? It might depend on who you ask, because there is a lot of argue regarding the meaning of the flag’s colors vertically arranged: green, white and orange.

Green has always been the symbol of Ireland due to the many woods there are in this country and the first national accepted flag was actually green with a golden harp on it which represented the Celtic tradition and myths.

However, there has been an argument that the green color represented the power of the Catholic movement in Ireland, issue that was not at all convenient for the Protestant movement which had orange as representative colour. Years and years of battles between these religion parties ruined Ireland’s power to be united and fight as nation, thing that lead to foreign occupation, mainly British.

Legend has it that the actual Irish tricolour was created by few French women which where sympathetic to the Irish cause and realized how important it was for the Irish people to be united. As a result, green, the Catholic independents were reconciled through the white colour stripe with the Orange tradition from Ireland and formed a single nation and put an end to the war between brothers.

Because of the many fights the Irish people were involved in, the Irish national Flag is also known as the Irish Republican Army Flag which reminds the citizens nowadays that there has been made reconciliation between them and it is a blessing to live in peace with each other.

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