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History of Jordan Flag

Symbolism and History of Jordan Flag

The country is officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

It is home to the ancient Semetic people such as the Canaanites, Edomites, Assyrians, Judeans, Moabites and Persians and Babylonians.

Which makes seven ethnic groups which some feel are represented by the seven points of the flag’s star.Prior to 1916 Jordan was part of the Ottoman Empire and their flag was similar to the flag of Turkey.

flag of Jordan

Jordan was mandated to Britain in 1922. The flag at that time was similar to the current flag except the star was not in use until 1928 when the current flag was adopted. There have been no changes to the flag since 1928.

Jordan has opened it’s doors to about 1.7 Palestinian refugees and several hundred thousands of Iraqis have emigrated to Jordan since the fall of Sadaam Hussein’s regime. These people are seeking freedom and protection under the flag of the kingdom of Jordan.

Would you like to know something really interesting about Jordan? This is a really exciting event. Mustafa Salameh planted the Jordanian flag atop Mount Everest which is 29,029 feet above sea level.

What makes this extra exciting is that Salameh began his climb at the lowest place on earth, the Dead Sea, to the highest mountain peak on Earth. What an unusual honor and one for the Guinness Book of World Records and one that can’t be beat

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