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History of Bosnia Herzegovina Flag

Facts and History of Bosnia Herzegovina Flag

The national flag of Bosnia Herzegovina dates back to before the Ottoman empire to the reign of Tvrtko whose coat of arms appeared on the Bosnian flag as recently as 1998.

In 1760 the flag was green with a white crescent which opened to the left with a white star/sun in the opening.

During revolt against the Ottoman rule, the green field held a yellow right facing crescent and star.

During a brief stint of independence, the flag appeared with a more typical Islamic crescent. From 1878 to 1908 a read and yellow flag with a crest was used and then in 1908 during the Austro-Hungarian annexation the flag was a simple red over yellow banner.

During the Yugoslavian rule 1945-91 the flag was blue and white with a gold bar around the canton.

Bosnia Herzegovina Flag Image

When it comes to the current flag the stars represented Europe. The three points of the triangle represent the three national ethnic groups native to that country: the Bosnians, the Croats and the Serbs.

The original blue was almost the same shade as the blue used in the flag of the United Nations but it was changed to a darker shade to be more like the flag of the European Union.

Bosnia Herzegovina was at one time one of the six units (states) that comprised the nation of Yugoslavia. When the former Yugoslavia broke up Bosnia Herzegovina became an independent nation on 4 February 1998 and adopted the current flag which is rather unique in design.

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