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Facts and History of Mongolia Flag

Young flags of the world: Facts and History of Mongolia Flag

The national flag of Mongolia was adopted in the late 1992 and was quite similar to the priory used flag, only that the socialist symbol was removed.

This flag has a relatively strict design with three equal colour stripes: two red stripes with a sky blue colour band in the middle. The red stripe on the hoist side has the yellow national emblem on it- the representation of the essential elements for survival: water, fire, earth, moon, sun and the Ying-Yang traditional symbol.

If you wonder if there is any other information related to the facts and history of Mongolia flag, you should know this: in the 20th century, Mongolia had four different adopted flags, the most popular being the Mongolian People's Republic Flag with a yellow star on the top of the national emblem symbolizing the socialistic leadership.

Flag of Mongolia Picture

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