Learn Here What Color of Arkansas State Flag Represents
The Arkansas State Flag has a red background with a diamond shape with a blue border at the edge with white stars inside the blue and a solid white inside of the diamond shape with one blue star at the top, then the state name and three blue stars underneath the state name.
The state was admitted in 1836 and the flag was adopted in 1913.
The state of Arkansas is the only state that mines diamonds, thus the diamond shape on the flag.
The twenty-five stars in the blue border of the diamond represent represents the order of admittance into the US and the upper blue star represent the state as a member of the Confederate during the Civil War.
The lower blue stars represent the United States, Spain and France. These three held sovereignty in the state at some time.
The state is the 25th state to be admitted to the United States as the flag represents through the white stars.